Putting the focus on people is one of the basic pillars that organizations that wish to embrace change and achieve success in the digital age must rely on, and the key to offering our customers not only a good service but an excellent service.

In the dynamic and fast-paced world of Real Estates, ongoing training is key in helping enhance efficiency, effectiveness and professionalism in the property market. To remain competitive in Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0, companies must continually evolve to keep up with the times and current trends.

How do we prepare?

My team and I enjoy regular training, attending frequent professional training sessions in specialised areas of the real estate industry, local and national conferences and congresses, monthly courses conducted by the “Agora Grupo Inmobiliario”, in-company webinars and weekly coaching sessions from one of the best coaches in Spain.

In November 2019, I obtained a Certificate in Real Estate Management from “Escuela de Negocios EDN of Madrid” attended over the past two years. Additionally, the number of staff have been increased and will be increased in the upcoming few months by a highly skilled and multilingual workforce. We are absolutely ready to thrive through this digital transformation, focused on the new consumers’ needs whether they be owners, tenants or home buyers.

We are aware that both ongoing training and our ethics are crucial for organizational development and success. Digital transformation not only changes how we do business, it also impacts the way we work, shaping new methods and processes of commercialisation. At Banús Property we are adapting to these new times, realising that it’s not enough to simply sign up to property portals, as was common several years ago and as some agencies continue to do today.

What’s the goal?

It’s no secret that we have to be more proactive and make use of a whole new range of tools to be able to respond to customers who are carrying out most of the home search process themselves. To make the most of this we focus intensively on training throughout the company.

The key objective is to improve transparency, increase trust and provide assurance to our customers, in short to be unique and different, ensuring all our agents and employees have the expert knowledge and competencies to break down the barrier of transformation with educational reform, IT literacy, specializations in advanced digital skills, among others.

Change is frightening especially for who are already successful. It requires awareness to recognize the factors that can lead to the change, shift our mindset and thrive in a culture focused on evolving the company’s strategy. Like much of the professional world, the real estate sector is one of many being transformed by new technologies: Big data, machine learning, AI, virtual experiences…

These ‘disruptive forces’ are creating both challenges and opportunities, and to come to grips with these, offer customers a good, up-to-date service, and flourish in the future, estate agents and other professionals in the property industry need to go ‘back to school’ and ensure their product, process and market knowledge is current with the today’s world. Customers and individuals are the most valued piece of the puzzle and they require special care.


Jesús García


☎️ (+34) 951 30 75 67 – (+34) 676 423 220
📧  jesus@banusproperty.com
🖥️ www.banusproperty.com